
NW Georgia News

Sunday, January 19, 2025

AAHOA Statement on Los Angeles City Council Hearing Hotel Land Use and Replacement Housing Requirements Ordinance

AAHOA, the nation’s largest hotel owners association, commends the Los Angeles City Council’s vote on the controversial land use ordinance.

Following the City Council’s 12-to-0 vote today, the land use ordinance will be placed on the ballot of the next regular city election. AAHOA will remain active and engaged on this issue to protect the safety of hotel staff and the betterment of the Los Angeles travel and tourism industry. 

“The safety of our members, hotel guests, and hotel staff is our number one priority,” said AAHOA President & CEO Laura Lee Blake. “AAHOA applauds the Los Angeles City Council for the resounding vote on the mandate that would require hotels to house unsheltered individuals next to paying guests, as it would have created serious, immediate safety concerns.”

“The impact of a unified AAHOA voice is a force to be reckoned with,”  said AAHOA Chairman Neal Patel. “ There was an overwhelming response of AAHOA Members – approximately 125 hotel owners and staff – who showed up to the hearing to make their voices heard. Many members were required to stand outside because there was no space left in the hearing room.”

Original source can be found here.